Friday 29 October 2010

Catch up!!

Managed to get caught up with most of my work yesterday, thankfully! So I'm off to take some pictures on monday for the day with the hope that I manage to get the final image for my formal intervention project.  But for this weekend its off to work and to have some halloween fun :)

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Oh where oh where has my energy gone??????

I am so tired and really struggling to get motivated, we are already half way through reading week and I have acheived diddly squat :( so I've sent the children out to play and I'm going to sit with the books and try and get something done......please!!!!

Thursday 21 October 2010

5x4 view camera

Get to play with the 5x4 view camera today.....well excited, but a little nervous too, it seems so complicated. Half-term next week, I am so looking forward to having a lie-in and chilling out some!
Here is another pic from my shoot with my Bronica.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Bronica woohoooo!!

So I got a Bronica from ebay for £360 with everything i need to start medium format photography!  I went out with it yesterday adn OMG it is fabulous, I love it...........cue new obsession!

Here's 2 of my favourite pics from yesterday.....

Friday 15 October 2010

Large Format Camera

Had a play today with a 5x4 camera, now got a massive grin on my face, can't wait to be let loose with one properly.  Also got a couple of ideas for our still life project, need to do lots of research about Impressionist Still life artists!!

Formal Intervention project is forming in my head too, so I'm cooking on gas today!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Day One in the blogging life of ME!

So here I am, blogging, who'd have thunk it?!  Settling in at last to the new year at college, feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of work we have been given already but I am up to date so i guess I can't complain just yet!