Tuesday 8 February 2011


Just realised how much work i have left to do for WBL aaarrrrghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Friday 4 February 2011


I got 68% for my still life project today...............I'm over the flipping moon!!!!!!!!!! So I'm gunna have a glass of wine, you know one of those glasses which hold half a bottle ;)

Thursday 3 February 2011

WBL Presentations

Well i think my presentation went well today, Jane seemed pleased so I guess that is ok.  James was assesing me too so I will look forward to his feedback :)
Am really quite nervous about my feedback for my initial project tomorrow.............feel a bit sick :( will let you know how it went tomorrow!
Client led brief is going ok, off out to shoot a few rolls of film on saturday before work and Matt seemed happy enough at my tutorial today.
Thats it for today........................

Tuesday 1 February 2011

WBL Folder!

I think I have finally managed to get my folder sorted out, just waiting for some PGCE info from University of Plymouth then gotta do presentation on Thursday ........ I can't wait for that to happen so I can concentrate on something else for a while :)

Competition Entered!

I have entered the competition 2nd Julia M Cameron Award, run by the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards.  Below are the images I have submitted.....

Also the Arts Birthday Day Gallery is happening on Saturday, I am off to drop the pictures down tomorrow afternoon :) woohoo!!!