Wednesday 6 April 2011

Would forget my head.....

.....if it wasn't screwed on!!!! Forgot to post my evaluation on here from my WBL, so here it is better late than never ;)

Work Based Learning has been very insightful, although alot of it was aimed towards people wanting to go into commercial photography I was able to tailor it to my chosen career path quite easily.  I have managed to secure work experienc with Extended degree students, helping them with their darkroom practises and hope to continue this on next year.  I have also been able to set up a work placement at a local community college to sample teaching at secondary level as well.
I have found the lectures helpful with other areas within my college life, especially my presentation skills!!  And I have managed to update my CV something which i haven't done for a few years so it was really in need of attention.
I am looking forward to putting my research from this module into practise next year and pushing on with my chosen career path.  I have been given much encouragement with this from all of my lecturers and hope that I am building the skills needed throughout this module.

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