Wednesday 17 November 2010

5 Years time?

Where will I be in 5 years time?  I hope that I will have finished my PGCE and be teaching.  I have told my kids we are on a 5 years plan, so I had better be!!!!  I am not sure what level I want to teach at yet, but I am hoping to do work experience at the college and at a 6th form in my local area, this should give me an ideA of which area I want to be in when I finish :).

I have attended my first commitee meeting for photography, which was not as bad as I expected! I was very nervous, but I managed to not be intimidated!  I have also set up a facebook page for our course and it has really taken off with people contributing loads, I am very pleased :).  I feel that my role as student rep is going to be a good one, in my aims to become a teacher :)

Thursday 11 November 2010

Work-based Learning

I have to make my blog more work based learning so here goes........

Firstly I have started researching into PGCE courses, and am looking into where I can do my Work experience.  I have a confirmed offer to do a week's work experience with Tim Gundry at PCA, and am currently researching a week at the local community college with A-level students to I can gain a broader base of understanding.

I have also begun emailing people with a view to interviewing them as practitioners, with some success, but have had my fingers burned a little by one artist being quite rude :(.

So my next task is to try and research as many pgce courses as possible and look at the expectations of universities with regards to getting on this course.

And here is our first 5x4 image :)

Tuesday 9 November 2010

We did it!

A couple of my fellow students , who I am working on my Still Life project with, and I set up the 5x4 camera today and we actually got a picture wooohooooo!!!!!  Our project is coming along nicely now and I am about to begin building my set!

Sunday 7 November 2010

The best laid plans......

Had planned on going out and shooting a roll or two of film this afternoon after work, but there was a mix-up and now I have to work this afternoon instead :(, the weather is supposed to be dreadful tomorrow so that is a no goer too.  Guess I will have to make sure my sketchbooks are up together instead and try and find a couple more artists to interview for work-based learning.

Friday 5 November 2010

An evening off?

I'm having an evening off from college work today, as I am taking my kids to watch rugby and see some fireworks :), but I am pleased with progress to date and am going to work on finding some animal rights images, and some more impressionist style images for our 5x4 camera project.  This is a still life and our set is going to compromise of some montages so I need this images to build our sets for next week :)

Thursday 4 November 2010

Plymouth Art Centre

Went for a visit to Plymouth Art Centre with Jon, Louise and Eva, and some of the other students today, it was nice to get out of college and do something differentSome interesting work there from BA students for the South West Photography prize, I am certainly going to look into a couple of the artists that are exhibiting there.....more info later :)

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Got quite alot achieved in college today, and got my second lot of negs scanned.  I am not too sure which one I like the best as a potential final for my Formal Intervention project.  I think I am going to try and shoot at least one more film for it, to get the most choice as possible, in the mean time, what do you think?

Tuesday 2 November 2010


Got into the darkroom today, after another photoshoot yesterday on the beach, and i felt like i was starting all over again!! I was constantly "Dave, how do i do this.......Dave, what have i done wrong!" However I did manage to get one print done in the time and I will scan my negs tomorrow at college. Then digital imaging tomorrow, and only 3 weeks til Berlin woohoo!!!!!!