Wednesday 17 November 2010

5 Years time?

Where will I be in 5 years time?  I hope that I will have finished my PGCE and be teaching.  I have told my kids we are on a 5 years plan, so I had better be!!!!  I am not sure what level I want to teach at yet, but I am hoping to do work experience at the college and at a 6th form in my local area, this should give me an ideA of which area I want to be in when I finish :).

I have attended my first commitee meeting for photography, which was not as bad as I expected! I was very nervous, but I managed to not be intimidated!  I have also set up a facebook page for our course and it has really taken off with people contributing loads, I am very pleased :).  I feel that my role as student rep is going to be a good one, in my aims to become a teacher :)

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