Monday 17 January 2011

Eva Schreiber Interview Questions

Interview Questions for Eva Schreiber
By Emma Hirst FD1 Photography

1.       What artists or movements were your early influences as a photographer?
2.       Do you work with film or digital and which camera do you use?
3.       You take a wide variety of images, which is your favourite?
4.       Do you consider it important to travel as a photographer or do you think it is possible to base yourself in one area?
5.       What made you decide to settle in the UK, and do you feel there are as many opportunities here as in mainland Europe?
6.       What made you decide that you wanted to become a lecturer?  And how do you think it will fit in to your private practise?
7.       Do you think it is necessary to have an MA in order to be a good lecturer?
8.       What is it about teaching that inspires you? And what would you like to achieve though this career?
9.       How do you see your private practise developing in the future?
10.   If there was only one piece of advice that you could give an up and coming photographer what would it be?

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