Monday 17 January 2011

Sian Bonnell Interview Questions

Wrote this interview for Sian Bonnell to answer via email....

Interview Questions for Sian Bonnell
By Emma Hirst FD1 Photography PCA

1.       You trained as a sculptor but was there a decisive moment when photography changes from a way of recording your sculptures to a primary outlet for your art?

2.       Where did your early influences come from?

3.       I read in one of the essays on your website that your installations are making a statement about the environment.  I’ve always seen your photographs as making a statement about women’s roles in society; did you ever contemplate this message when making them?

4.       Could you tell me a little more about TRACE?  And is there a direct link between your personal practise and literature?

5.       How have you found balancing family life and your career as an artist?  And are there any sacrifices you have had to make in order to continue your career?

6.       Which is the most important to you, the actual process of making the art or the message that you try to convey?

7.       Do you have any new plans in the pipeline, a new direction for your art?

8.       Do you feel that teaching is an important part of your development as an artist?

9.       I am hoping to do a PGCE after my BA what is is that you find most rewarding about teaching?

10.   If you could only pass on only one tip for an up and coming photographer what would it be?

Thankyou very much for your help and encouragement in answering these questions, I appreciate it very much!   I shall be following your practise even closer in the future and look forward to seeing more of your art.
Emma Hirst

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